The Golf Professional

"I got tired of working
for a living and turned pro."
Julius Boros US Open Champion 1952, 1963 PGA Champion 1968
There are not many more precarious
positions to to be then to be a teaching golf professional at a private club. Maintaining
that balance. (Can you imagine the position
golf professional HARRY PEZZULLO was in ?) On one hand these people are your
customers, buying golf balls, golf clubs, golf shoes and the like, as well as
paying your base salary making them your employer as well. Just to stir a few
more spices into to the stew many are are golfing students as well. All this
combined with trying to work and live by the PGA creed leads to the great
diplomatic state known as "things best left un-said".
Well we hear at The Golf Ball
Factory are not golf club professionals and most certainly not trained in the
art of diplomacy therefore are not "things best left un-said"
savvy. We are
however lover's of the golfing game, friendly with other lover's of the game, both
amateur and professional, and have heard more than we should. This lead us to
thinking that maybe some of the best golf lessons and tips are those never given
because of the golf pro's need for diplomacy. This lead to the idea of "The
Pointed Pro" which is to provide a venue for golf professional's to give
the lessons and tips that on the lesson tee are "best left

Anyway if you're not thin
skinned and are willing to play the ball as it lies...........
Golf Lesson
Lesson #2
Lesson #3
Lesson #4
Lesson #5
Lesson #6
Golf Lesson #7-The
Golf Grip
Golf Instruction 1862
