Hole 2-
The Golf
It's all about the hardware.


The Golf Tournament
Every golf tournament makes history. A winner is recorded and a victory celebrated.
Some may be remembered until next week, others for all of time.
To many "The Tournament" is the essence of golf, and those
that have played golf in any kind of 'serious" tournament at any
level are either among that group or understand that group making it
imperative that even those with a passing interest in golf, have a basic
knowledge of golf tournaments. In this section tournaments will be covered in
two ways, first we will offer a brief history of the "world class"
tournaments that all golfers should have some basic knowledge of, and secondly
will we provide some entry level knowledge of tournaments that are commonly
played at the "club" level.
World Class Tournaments
Club Level Tournaments
Idlewild CC Major Golf Tournament
preparation...1912 style
Brief History of Olympic Golf