Moment of Glory
The Year Underdogs Ruled Golf

The cover of John Feisteins book "Moment of Glory, the year the underdogs ruled golf.

John Feintein is a respected story teller and his work here makes in clear as to why. 
He puts the 2003 golf season firmly on the pedestal it deserves.

Page 16 " the white-hot crucible of those moments, one swing, one putt....."

To learn more about John Feinstein and his writings, continue your search here.....


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Let's meet at the putting green|Hole 1 Handicap and Wager|Hole 2 Golf Tournaments|Hole 3 Golfing Excuses
Hole 4 Golf Etiquette|Hole 5 The Golf Course Architect|Hole 6 The Green keeper|Hole 7  Range rat|
Hole 8  Ball hawk
Hole 9 Golfing Partners
|Hole10 Golf Resorts|Hole 11 The Caddie|Hole12  Golf Rules|Hole 13 Golf course living
Hole14 Golfing Equipment|Hole15 Golfing Accessories|Hole 16 Golf School-Now what|Hole 17 The Golf Pro
Hole 18 Hall of Golf Champions|Hole 19 The grillroom