a backyard
synthetic putting green
So you are going to install a
backyard putting green. The way you see it is,
"it will provide a great place to practice my putting any time I want"
, " it's a great way to expose my kids to the game, we can have backyard putting
tournaments and by making an artificial turf synthetic putting greens I won't
have to ever worry about maintenance." (Maybe you should do your entire
yard, then you can have a perfect maintenance free green lawn year round !)
you realize that nothing is maintenance free, your artificial surface is going
to need some vacuuming or sweeping, washing (I understand bird's love
them) and how are you going to handle tears ?
I know the
manufacturer points out that this stuff is so tough they play NFL football on
it, well there is a huge difference between 13 year old boys and NFL players as
to the damage they can do. For pure destructive powers I'll take the 13 year old
hands down.
No children or grandchildren to worry about any longer well what
about your neighbor Harvey, after a few drinks and a missed 3 feet putt for the
championship of the world do you think there is a chance at a slight over
reaction ?
Alright so you are not going to
buy my crap and you're going to go ahead with installing a backyard synthetic
putting green. That being the case a least take a few minutes and go over this
little checklist that will at least will save you some degree of aggravation in
the future and maybe even leads to a successful installation that provides years
of pleasure for you and your family.
Where are you going to locate your
new putting green ? Some things to consider.....
The surrounds. Unless
your are going to do your whole yard consider the surrounds. It may look
great in the middle of your yard but are you adding extra labor to taking
care of the rest of your yard by installing it there. You may want to
consider a back corner where where you can plant the surrounds with some wild
flowers or perennials and allow some natural vegetation and landscaping to
take hold. How about some kind of feng shui garden landscape design ?
(Hmmm.... Feng Shui and Putting, Unlock the secret to lower scores.)
Other location considerations.
Stay clear of any under ground infrastructure in your yard. Examples include
irrigation system piping and wiring, buried electrical and phone lines,
water mains and of course you don't want to put this baby on top of your septic tank
or leech field. Be sure also to think about your privacy. Do you really want
Harvey coming by because he "saw you were out" every time you want
to take a few strokes or spend a few minutes putting around with the kids.
Oh yeah we almost forgot, if you are going to include a bunker for a little
sand practice its location in relationship to your putting green and your neighbors
house is something you may want to think about. (can you say low screaming
One final location
consideration is drainage. Yes even though you are installing
a synthetic putting green, drainage is still important. You don't want
puddles on your surface, and you don't want it draining into your neighbors
garage or basement.
Now that you have thought about
where you can install your new practice green, it's time to think about what you
Are you looking for a nice putting
surface only or are you planning a green complex with chipping areas and a
bunker or two. ( Remember, neighbors, low screamer). Adding chipping areas
is fairly easy and low cost, bunkers though can run your installation cost
up pretty quickly and also add to the maintenance time and cost as well.
Think raking the sand, sweeping the putting surface and the most fun of all
replacement sand. Now as far as the putting surface is concerned are you
planning rolling undulations are a relatively flat surface keeping in mind
your drainage issues and installation cost and engineered undulations will
impact the cost.
What type of surface are you
looking for ? It really should resemble best what you normally putt.
What ever you do don't settle for the first one you see there are dozens of
different putting surfaces available and it will prove well worth your time to look
at a few before deciding.
Remember what you select you are probably going to
have a long time as most synthetic putting
green turf warranty's are in the 5-10 year range

Now the first thing you need for this installation is ocean front
property, after that it's no more 3 putts.
To build or buy, not an easy
decision but if you give a few things some thought your best decision will
become clear.
Do you want to build it
yourself ? If you do, have access to the equipment, supplies, the skills and
patience then the decision is a no brainer. Online there is a ton of
installation info and instructions and you'll find it to be an interesting
and satisfying endeavor that should give you not only hours of fun and pride
of the "I build this variety", but the knowledge you'll pick up
along the way will surely give you a greater appreciation of effort by those
who built the putting greens on your favorite golf course.
If in doubt don't .Keep in
mind that this is a major project that will takes many days of really hard
labor to complete. If you are not into it, it will become a nightmare that
haunts you. There are a growing number of contractors that can perform the
installation for you and a quick glance at a few of their references an
putting green installations will tell you all you need to know.
learn more about installing
a backyard synthetic putting greens continue your search here.....