1912 Golfing Events
January 1912 The Golf Association of Philadelphia announces at its annual meeting they are "in splendid condition", there being a balance of nearly $500 in the treasury. January 1912 The Golf Association of Philadelphia concludes that "present lowly condition and state of Philadelphia players" are a result of "the failure of the players to practice." January 1912 The Royal and Ancient's has announced Murfield will be site to The 1912 Open Championship June 21-25. January 1912 The Royal and Ancient's has announced Westward Ho! will be site to The 1912 British Amateur Championship June 3-7. January 1912 The Open Championship of France will be as usual at La Boulie Versailles July 1 & 2, the French Amateur will be held on the same course July 4-6. January 1912 The North and South Amateur Championship will be held at Pinehurst April 2 - 6. |
1912 The United States Golf Association,
during its
annual meeting awarded the
following tournaments and dates:
- 1912 U.S. Open Championship
to the Country Club of Buffalo, Buffalo New York June 27-28.
- 1912 U.S. Amateur Championship to the Chicago
Golf Club Wheaton Illinois July 29- Aug 3.
- the 1912 U.S. Women's Championship to the Essex
Country Club Manchester Massachusetts Sept 28 - Oct 5.
- also announced, the association has undertaken to establish a national
handicap system.
January 23-27, 1912 P. Farrington of Woodland GC, Newton Massachusetts (Francis Ouimet's home course) won the New Year Tournament in Palm Beach defeating Mr. J. R. Hyde 1 up in the final.
February 1912 Due to a conflict in dates with the British Amateur the United States Golf Association has change the dates of the 1912 U.S. Open Championship at the CC of Buffalo to August 1-2.
February 1912 Due to a conflict in dates with the British Amateur the United States Golf Association has change the dates of the 1912 U.S. Amateur Championship at the Chicago GC to September 2-7.
February 1912 Indoor putting competition, with carpets for greens is the latest thing in Massachusetts golf.
February 1912 J .J. McDermott, 1911 U.S. Open Champion announced while visiting Tom McNamara in Boston that he will set sail for Liverpool May 8 to prepare for the Open Championship.
February 1912 The standardization of the golf ball remains a hot topic in all golfing circles. Many complain they are getting too long and are making today's courses obsolete.
February 1912 The Golf Association of Philadelphia has about 800 handicapped golfers, including 5 scratch players. Mr. W.E. Shackleford is a 5 and A.W. Tillinghast, a handicap committee member is sporting a 6 . It also reports that among it's 23 member clubs the average hole is 330 yards. February 1912 The Western Golf Association set the week of July 15-20 for the Western Amateur to be held at the Denver Country Club. February 1912 The Western Golf Association assigned The Western Open Championship to Idlewild Country Club for September 5-6. Idlewild directors and officials have assured that nothing will be left undone to these picturesque links for the best field ever assembled. |
February 1912 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dawson, donors of the Tom Morris Memorial Trophy were recently visitors at the automobile show in Chicago.
February 10, 1912 Warren K. Wood and Paul Hunter, utilizing the Denver Course distances in the Indoor Golf School of Chicago, defeated Charles Evans and O. J. Francis 3 and 2.
February 6-10, 1912 Dr. C. H. Gardner of Wannamoisset CC in Rumford Rhode Island won the 8th Annual St. Valentine's Tournament at Pinehurst.
February 12-16, 1912 Walter J. Travis won the South Florida Golf Championship by defeating J. R. Hyde 7 and 6 in 36 hole final match.
February 1912 Harry Vardon is off in France for awhile to area called Le Touquet, where there is fine golf and pleasant surroundings.
February 1912 The Societe de La Boulie, Golf de Paris now carries a membership of 750 players the majority of whom are French.
March 8, 1912 Gilbert Nichols won the Florida Open Championship, Tom McNamara of Boston finished tied for second, 3 strokes off the lead.
March 14, 1912 Mr. R. H. McWlee defeats Mr. H. J. Topping for the Florida Amateur Golfing Championship in Palm Beach.
March 1912 Three clubs have been elected to allied membership with the United States Golf Association: The Del Monte Country Club, Del Monte, California: Spring Lake Country Club, Spring Lake, New Jersey and The Moorestown Field Club, Moorestown, New Jersey
March 1912 Tom Anderson formerly professional at Inwood Country Club has gone to Oakmont CC in Pittsburgh. Herbert Strong formerly of Apawamis, takes his place, while Peter Robertson, formerly of Oakmont, has been engaged by the Fall River Country Club. All three would find their way to Brookline for the 1913 US Open.
March 1912 The United States Golf Association issued its handicap list, the following are at scratch by USGA standards: Charles "Chick" Evans Jr., Fred Herreshoff, Oswald Kirby, Albert Seckel, J. D. Travers and W .J. Travis
March 1912 The Massachusetts Golf Association has stated that its Amateur Championship is "likely" to begin June 12, and its Open Championship July 11-12.
March 1912 The Ekwanok Country Club in Manchester Vermont has elected its officers, Robert T. Lincoln son of President Abraham Lincoln will serve as the golf club's president March 1912 The Connecticut Golf Association had decided on July 10-13 for its Amateur Championship. March 1912 Announced the 4th Annual Pennsylvania State Championship will be held at Oakmont Country Club June 27-29. March 1912 The Golf Association of Philadelphia will hold its 10th annual Philadelphia Open on July 12 at Huntington Valley Country Club. The total purse will be $150.00 plus entrance fees with 50% going to the winner. March 1912 The Sioux City Country Club has been awarded the Iowa State Golf Championship, dates to be announced. |
March 1912 The Riverside City Country Club of Indianapolis as been awarded the Indiana State Golf Championship, dates to be announced.
March 1912 The Michigan State Golf Championship will be held at the Detroit CC July 24-27.
March 1912 The Evanston Golf Club of Kansas City will hold the Missouri State Golf Championship, June 10-15.
On the tee Supreme Court |
March 1912 The St. Paul Town and Country Club as been awarded the Minnesota State Golf Championship, dates to be announced. March 1912 The Dallas Country Club has been awarded the Texas State Golf Championship, dates to be announced. March 1912 The place of the holding of the Oklahoma championship will have to be changed as the new 18-hole course of the Oklahoma City club, which was to have held the tournament will not be ready for play until fall. The tournament is to be held in May. March 1912 The Western Golf Association is holding back publication of its handicap list pending publication of the United States Golf Association list. WGA officials are desirous of using the national list as much as possible for the sake of uniformity. March 1912 The Carolina Golf Association Championship will be played in Wilmington, but as of yet the committee has not announced the exact dates which will be in May. March 1912 Reported in The American Golfer, Des Moines Iowa boasts a larger percentage of golfers than any city in the country. March 29, 1912 Mrs. J. R. Price of Oakmont won the Women's North and South Championship defeating Miss Van Ostrand 4 and 3 in the finals. April 5, 1912 Fred Herreshoff has set sail to take part in the British Amateur Championship at Westward Ho ! on June 3 - 7. |
April 6, 1912 Walter Travis defeated H .J. Topping 6 and 5 in the 36 hole final to win the North and South Amateur at Pinehurst. Mr. Travis was also low qualifier with rounds of 79 and 77.
April 12, 1912 David Foulis files a patent application for a golf flag support system.
April 11, 1912 Patrick Doyle,1913 US Open top 10 finisher, golf instructor to President Taft, traveling by train to Queenstown misses the 1:30 pm scheduled departure of the RMS Titanic.
April 1912 The Metropolitan Golf Association has issued its 1912 handicap list, Fred Herreshoff, Oswald Kirby, Albert Seckel, J. D. Travers and W. J. Travis were all deemed scratch.
April 20, 1912 Walter Travis defeats C. H. Gardner of Rhode Island 5 and 4 to win Country Club of Lakewood Annual Spring Tournament. Mt. Travis also captured the low medallist prize with a qualifying round of 79.
April 1912 The Massachusetts Golf Association has announced its Amateur Championship will be held June 12 - 15 on the links of the Brae-Burn Country Club in Newton Massachusetts.
April 1912 The Massachusetts Golf Association has announced the state Open Championship will be held July 11-12 at the Oakley Country Club links.
April 1912 The public Franklin Park Golf Course of Boston had more than 22,000 rounds last season. Many feel the number would be largely increased if the course were made more attractive.
April 1912 The Golf Association of
Philadelphia has 31 players listed on the national handicap list including A.W.
Tillighast and W. E. Shackelford. In is interesting to that on the national list
Tillinghast is a 5 and on the local list a 6, whereas Shackelford on the
national list is a 6 and locally a 5.
April 1912 The Pennsylvania State Championship will be held June 27-29 at Oakmont Country Club. April 1912 The Western Pennsylvania Golf Association now has 16 member clubs with players numbering something like 5000. April 1912 Active work has begun on the construction of Westmoreland Country Club just west of Evanston, Illinois. At 6442 total yards it will be one of the longest golf courses in the Chicago area. The club has about 250 members already with a limit of 350. April 1912 Five clubs have applied for membership
to the Western Golf Association including Del Monte Golf and Country Club, Del
Monte California and the Victoria Club Riverside California |
April 1912 It has been announced that another public golf course will be started in Fontenelle Park Omaha Nebraska. It is said to be an 18 hole lay out. April 1912 The Western Golf Association has changed the dates of The Western Open Championship to August 28-29. April 1912 The Iowa State Championship will be held July 8-13 at the Sioux City Country Club. Thomas M. Bendelow designed the course in 1908. April 1912 The Ohio State Championship will be held at the Inverness Golf Club during the 2nd week in September. |
April 1912 Tom MacNamara of Boston won the North and South Open at Pinehurst, his second round 69 was one stroke off the course record. it is interesting to note that Chick Evans played both the Amateur and Open tournaments.
April 1912 W. J. Travis was inducted into the Florida Golfing Hall of Fame. He holds the course record at Palm Beach (62) and Jacksonville (67).
April 27, 1912 Benjamin Race defeated F. W. Kemble 2 and 1 to win the Country Club of Atlantic City Spring Tournament. Neither A. W. Tillinghast nor W.E. Shackelford made it through the first round of match play.
May 1912 The greens of the Hamilton Club of Cincinnati have all been enlarged to the regulation 120 square feet. (Think about this enlarged to 120 sq ft. or the size of 10' by 12' cubicle.)
May 1912 The London Daily Chronicle calls for an end to the stymie as it is "an advantage accidentally gained"
May 1912 The Western Golf Association has brought its handicap list into agreement with the national U. S. G. A. list. Chick Evans and Albert Seckel are scratch while H. Chandler Egan and W. C. Fownes Jr are rated a 1. Former Amateur Champion E. M. Byers is sporting a 2.
May 1912 During the 1912 Metropolitan Championship an un-named player was disqualified for recording an improper score on a hole. He actually had taken 9 more strokes on the hole then he reported. (Oh my word !)
May 1912 Francis Ouimet appears on the "golfing
radar screen".
May 1912 The Chicago City Championship will be played at the Jackson Park Course August 13-16 May 1912 The Western Golf Association has increased the prize money of the Western Open Championship, first prize will be $300.00 May 1912 The Minnesota State Championship will be played at the St. Paul Town and Country Club during the week of July 29 May 1912 The Iowa State Championship dates have been changed to the 1st week in July due to nearly conflicting dates with the Western Amateur. |
May 1912 The Kansas State Championship
will be held June 26-29 at the Topeka Country Club.
May 10, 1912 Miss Gladys Ravencroft takes the British Ladies Championship defeating Miss Cecil Leitch in the final. Miss Leitch about 18 months ago, being given 1/2 stroke defeated H. H. Hilton in a rather big match for British Ladies Golf. May 12, 1912 R. H. Gwaltney won the Carolina Open Championship beating H. C. Bridges 2 up in the final round at Cape Fear Country Club. May 24, 1912 Mrs. G. W. Roope won the Women's Massachusetts Amateur Championship. 3 time U. S. Women's Amateur Champion Margaret Curtis did not play although Harriet Curtis did. |
May 24, 1912 J.D. Travers defeats Oswald Kirby 9 and 8 to win the 36 hole final of the Metropolitan Amateur Championship. Oswald Kirby was low qualifier.
May 25, 1912 Mr. H. P. Farrington won the Woodland Golf Club Open defeating J. B. Hylan on the 19th hole. Mr. Francis Ouimet was Medallist with a 72, however was unable to participate in the match due to prior commitments. Mr. Ouimet had advised the committee properly in advance.
June 1912 The Women's Metropolitan Golf Association posted its handicaps, Miss L. B. Hyde of the South Shore Field Club is sporting a +1 and Miss Georgiana M. Bishop of Brooklawn Country Club is deemed scratch.
June 6, 1912 Oswald Kirby defeated J. D. Travers 4 and 3 to win the New Jersey State Championship at Atlantic City. W. E. Shackelford was low medallist with a qualifying round of 75.
June 1912 Pittsburgh's Golf Course in Schenley Park was formally thrown open to the public.
June 7, 1912 John Ball of Hoylake won his 8th British Amateur Championship at Westward Ho ! defeating Abe Mitchell on the 38th hole of the final.
June 8, 1912 Mr. E. P. Brooke of the Bannockburn Club defeated Mr. H. L. Bond 1 up at Chevy Chase to win the Mid-Atlantic States Championship. June 8, 1912 Mr. W. P. Stewart defeated Mr. N. M. Whitney on the 37th hole to win the Southern Championship played at the pristine Chattanooga Country Club. June 8, 1912 Mr. R. McCall won the Oregon State Championship at Waverly Country Club in Portland defeating Major Jay Morrow 1 up. June 15, 1912 Heinrich Schmidt defeats Francis Ouimet 2 and 1 in a 36 hole final for the Massachusetts Amateur Championship played a Brae-Burn Country Club in Newton Massachusetts. Mr. Percival Gilbert was Medallist with a qualifying round of 78 June 15, 1912 Mrs. C. J. Fox won the Berthelyn Cup at Huntingdon Valley Country Club by a score of 6 and 4 in final over Miss F. C. Osgood. It is interesting to note that it was Mrs. Fox's husband who donated the cup. |
June 18, 1912 Harry Vardon and Edward Ray lead an England team to a tie with the Scotland team in an informal International match at Muirfield.
June 1912 Mr. Stuart Stockney defeated Mr. R. C. Thorne 4 and 3 to win the Missouri State Championship at the Evanston Country Club in Kansas City.
June 1912 The Western Golf Association now boasts an enrollment of 174 clubs.
June 1912 The Northwest
Golf Association has announce its 1913 Championship will be in held in Butte.
The Canadian cities of Victoria, Vancouver and Calgary will be represented.
June 1912 The Indiana State Championship will be held August 5-10 at the Riverside Golf Club in Indianapolis. June 1912 The Grand View Golf Course in Des Moines has been opened to the public. It is the second to be made public and is filled with "natural difficulties". June 21, 1912 Tom Ball establishes a Murfield record of 68 during Open Championship qualifying. |
June 25, 1912 Edward "Ted" Ray wins the Open
Championship and its 50 pound 1st prize at Murfield. His margin of victory
over the great Harry
Vardon was 4 strokes. U. S. Open Champion J. J. McDermott fails to qualify.
Edward Ray bunkered at the
14th green during the |
Edward Ray putting out on
the 10th green during the |
It is really interesting to look at these above 3 pictures together and look at how the crowd grows in the back ground.
27, 1912 The Pennsylvania Open Championship was won by Tom Anderson Jr. netting
him a 1st prize purse of $100.00
27, 1912 Mr. George A. Crump sets a new course record at Oakmont Country Club
with a round of 73 during the
qualifying for the Pennsylvania Amateur Golfing Championship.
He was eliminated in the 1st round of match play by W. L. Thompson.
view of the Oakmont course from the eighteenth tee. |
June 29, 1912 Mr. William C. Fownes Jr. defeats Mr. George A. Ormiston 5 and 4 at Oakmont Country Club to capture the Pennsylvania Amateur Golfing Championship. Mr. Fownes was also the tournament's Medallist.
July 3, 1912 Alex Ross wins his 6th Massachusetts Open Championship at Oakley Country Club. 1st prize paid $80.00
July 1912 Mr.
C. G. Waldo Jr. repeated as Connecticut Amateur Champion on the links of the
Greenwich Country Club.
July 7, 1912 Chick Evans set a new course record at the Chicago Golf Club with a 7 under par 68, one stroke better than the previous record held by Walter Travis. July 7,1912 Mr. William Sheehan successfully defended the Iowa State Championship, played at The Sioux City Country Club, Sioux City Iowa. July 12, 1912 After being 5 strokes behind J. J. McDermott rallies to tie Gilbert Nichols the Philadelphia Open at Huntingdon Valley Country Club. A playoff will be held on August 10th on the same course. July 13, 1912 Mr. Walter J. Travis easily defeated all opponents on his way to winning the Taconic Cup at Ekwanok Country Club in Manchester Vermont. Mr. Travis was also the tournament's Medallist. July 1912 The Honorable Michael Scott won the French Amateur Championship. It is the British Golfer's 15th amateur championship, the other 14 being The Australian Amateur Golfing Championship. He has also won 2 Australian Open's. July 1912 Jean Gassiat wins the French Open Championship at Societe de Golf at La Boulie, Versailles. Harry Vardon, Edward Ray, J.J. McDermott and Louis Tellier all finished within 4 strokes of the champion. July 1912 Boston based professional Tom MacNamara became the American born player to win The Metropolitan Open. MacNamara took home $150.00 first prize, Gilbert Nichols finished second netting $100.00 and Herbert Strong finished third winning $75.00. The field was the most competitive that anyone could remember. |
July 1912 The Metropolitan Golf Association held its 1st Junior Championship which was won by Stuart Connelly with a 4 over par 74.
July 1912 Mr. Wm. A. Gardner won his second Buffalo City Championship 1 up. His son Wm H, Gardner was low qualifier
July 1912 Thomas M. Sherman, the United States Vice President's son, once again won the Yahnundasis Invitational. He was also low qualifier with a score of 78
July 1912 James Barnes won the Potlach Open played at Seattle Country Club with a score of 291
July 1912 Chick Evans won the 1912 Western Amateur Golf Championship at the Denver Country Club defeating Warren Wood 1 up, in one of the hardest final matches ever played. A gallery of more than 500 followed the pair despite the dismal conditions. Mr. Wood had been low qualifier with a round of 69.
July 1912 Mr. J. W.
Hughes won the City of Omaha Golf Championship. This golf tournament is six
rounds, two rounds played on three different golf courses.
1912 Over 10,000 golfers petition the Chicago's West Side Park Board asking that
the public golf course at Garfield Park be expanded to 18 holes. July 1912 The prize money for the Western Open has been increased to $300.00 for first prize.
August 1912 President Taft was beaten in a 3 ball match at his beloved Chevy Chase by his son Charles and General Clarence Edwards.
August 2, 1912 J. J. McDermott repeats as Untied States Open Champion at The Buffalo Country Club holding off a charging Tom McNamara whose final round was a course record setting 69. The field of 128 starters was a record number necessitating a start time each day of 6:30 am. Walter J. Travis finishing 10th was low amateur in the event for the fourth time in the last ten years of United States Open competition. It is also worth mentioning the 7 of the top 10 finishers were all born and bred a golfers in The United States. |
August 1912 George Sargent captures the Canadian Open at Rosedale and sets a new course record in doing so. Jim Barnes of Tacoma finished second 3 strokes behind.
August 3, 1912 Mr. Fred A, Martin defeated Mr. H. K. Kerr to capture his second Vermont Amateur Golfing Championship at The Dorset Field Club. Mr. Martin becomes the 2nd two time champion. The first being Mr. Fred Herreshoff.
August 6, 1912 Walter J. Travis defeats Mr. H. Lee 4 and 3 in a 36 hole match to win the Western New York Championship at The Country Club of Buffalo. The Western NY took place immediately following the US Open.
August 10, 1912 Gilbert Nichols finished off J. J. McDermott winning the play off for the Philadelphia Open by 4 strokes. The two highly rated professionals had finished tied back on July 12.
August 10, 1912 Vardon and
Ray continue their domination the British and Scottish Professional Golfing
matches since The Open Championship.
August 1912 The Chicago Golf Club has issued a book for the enlightenment of those who will compete in the United States Golf Association Amateur Championship. It devotes a page to each hole and shows every trap and hazard, together with the distances and all other information which could be desired. August 1912 As the Chicago Golf Club prepares for the arrival of United States Golf Association Amateur Championship and Britain's H. H. Hilton reining champion, club professional Dave Foulis proclaims the "very best of condition" August 1912 In a battle of former United States Golf Association Amateur Champions Mr. Eben M. Byers defeated Mr. W. C. Fownes Jr. 2 up in a 36 hole final for the ages. The match was brilliantly played by both golfers and will remembered as one for the ages by all who involved. August 1912 Mr. J. A. Yellowless won the Potlach Tournament at the Seattle Golf and Country Club defeating Mr. H. T. Gardner in the final round 5 and 3. It is interesting to note both finalist were from Vancouver, B. C. |
August 1912 Mr. Harry G. Legg won his 4th consecutive Trans-Mississippi Championship defeating Mr. W. D. Middleton 8 and 6 in the 36 hole final at The Minikahda Club. August 1912 After winning the United States Open Championship J. J. McDermott announced his intentions of playing in next year's British Open. |
August 17, 1912 Mr. R. F. Mundy defeated Mr. V. C.
Longley 9 and 8 in the 36 hole final to win the Bretton Woods Championship |
September 1912 Fire destroys the the Chicago Golf Club clubhouse a few days before the United States Golf Association Amateur Championship
September 7, 1912 J.D.Travers defeats Chick Evans 7 and 6 in the 36 hole final to win the United States Golf Association Amateur Championship at Chicago Golf Club. H.H. Hilton and Chick Evans had been the low qualifiers. Hilton was eliminated in the first round of match play competition.
Some of the contestants of the 1912 United States
Golf Association Amateur Championship at Chicago Golf Club.
September 1912 Mr. Fred Herreshoff won the Invitation Tournament held at National Golf Links defeating Mr. E. M. Barnes in the final. In the third round of match play Mr. Barnes beat H. H. Hilton at the 19th hole. Mr. Herreshoff was also low medallist..
September 1912 President Taft has been playing golf at Myopia in Hamilton Massachusetts, fortifying himself for the political bunkers ahead.
September 14, 1912 Mr. H. E. Kenworthy wins the Rhode Island Amateur Championship for his second time, he was the title holder 2 years ago.
September 14, 1912 Mr. Harold Weber won the Ohio State
Amateur Championship defeating Mr. P. S. Bush 9 and 8 in the 36 hole final at
Inverness. Mr. Paul Lindenberg was low qualifier.
September 1912 MacDonald Smith the 22 year old professional from Del Monte, California won the Western Open Championship. J. J. McDermott finished 3rd and Tom McNamara of Boston tied in 4th place. September 1912 J. H. Taylor won the $650 first prize at The German Championship ( Golf's biggest purse) in Baden Baden. He defeated Ted Ray ($400 2nd prize) in a 9 hole playoff with a stunning score of 28. September 1912 Mr. Jesse P. Guilford wins the New Hampshire Amateur Championship for his second time. |
September 21, 1912 Mr. Howard W. Perrin won the St. Martin's Cup at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. He won his final match over Mr. Walter H. Reynolds 2 and 1. This was Mr. Perrin's 3rd trip to the finals, losing on the 2 prior occasions.
September 25-26, 1912 The eighth annual Senior's Tournament draws 275 entries. This far exceeds last year's record 220 entries.
September 27, 1912 Mr. Heinrich Schmidt, The Massachusetts Amateur Champion defeated Mr. William C. Fownes Jr., the 1910 National Amateur champion in their Lesley Cup match at Huntington Valley Country Club. In spite of Mr. Schmidt's hard won victory the Pennsylvania team won the matches 9 and 6
October 6, 1912 British suffragettes bring their battle to the golf course. Prime Minister Asquith's round of golf interrupted.
October 5, 1912 Miss Margaret Curtis wins her 3rd United States Golf Association's Women' Championship at Essex Country Club Manchester Massachusetts. She defeated Mrs. R. H. Barlow 3 and 2 in the 18 hole final. A highlight of the tournament was Miss Curtis lofting a her ball over a stymie into the cup during 1st round of match play. Miss Curtis was also low qualifier for the tournament.
October 5, 1912 Mr. Fred Herreshoff wins the Nassau Country Club Annual Fall Tournament defeating Mr. Oswald Kirby 2 and 1 in the final match.
October 12, 1912 Work began on the Wanakah Country Club it is being built on 132 acres of lake front property, giving Buffalo another top golf course.
18, 1912 Jim McGinnis, starter of the Jackson Park golf course in Chicago
reports 105,000 rounds played on the main course and close to 60,000 played on
the small 9 hole course.
1912 J. J. McDermott takes 1st place in the Mt. Tom Golf Club professional
tournament. Information of prize distribution was not made available. ( It is
suspected that this tournament involved a great deal of wagering
between the professionals making the prize money of secondary interest.) October 1912 Memphis Country Club extends an invitation to the Women's Western Golf Association to hold their 1913 at the southern club. The tournament has only once been outside the Chicago area and that was in 1908. October 1912 St. Paul moves closer to having its first public golf course |
October 1912 The Ohio State Open Golf Championship was won by Aleck Taylor. Taylor won in a playoff against R .G. McDonald
October 1912 Montgomery Country Club is under going extensive improvements in preparing for the 1913 Southern Championship
October 1912 Memphis park commissioners are planning a new 18 hole golf course at Riverside Park. The golf course at Overton Park has been very popular.
November 1912 The American Golfer announces it will publish English Golf Writer Henry Leach's thoughts and impressions of American golf in its December 1912 issue.
November 9, 1912 Walter J. Travis wins the Governor's Cup at Atlantic City defeating Mr. H. L. Topping 8 and 7 in the 36 hole final. Mr. Travis was also low medallist for the tournament.
November 1912 Plans have been announced for two new18 hole golf courses in Massachusetts. The Merrimack Valley Country Club has decided definitely to increase to 18 hoes and The Wyantenuck Golf Club intends to do the same.
November 1912 Chicago is to have another big golf club,. The Winnetka Country Club. One of the incorporators is Mr. Thomas Taylor Jr., a member of the United States Golf Association executive committee since 1903.
November 1912 Chicago's Jackson Park total rounds has now surpassed 184,000 for the 18 and 9 hole courses combined.
November 1912 Tom Bendelow, the golf course architect, recently laid out a new course in Wauwasee, Indiana. His superintendent was asked by a local farmer, "Do they play this game with horses ?" Bendelow just finished laying out an entirely new eighteen hole course for the Lexington (KY) Country Club. He has now laid out close to 600 golf courses. November 1912 The 1913 Open Championship will be played at Hoylake for the first time since Arnaud Massy, the Frenchman won in 1907. November 1912 It has been announced that a golfing tournament will be held in Oberhof Germany with total prize money of 3500 dollars. This will beat Baden-Baden in being the large prize money pool. Oberhof Golf Club was 9 hole golf course. November 30, 1912 Mr. Walter J. Travis won the Annual Fall Tournament at Lakewood defeating Mr. Fred Herreshoff 3 and 2 in the final. Snow on the golf course raised havoc with the scoring as reflected by an 88 form Mr. Percy Platt was the low qualifying score. December 1912 J. A. Clements won the New Zealand Golf Championship for the 3rd time since 1908. |
December 1912 Announced, the annual meeting of the United States Golf Association will be held at Sherry's in New York January 11, 1913 at 9 pm. December 1912 President-elect Woodrow Wilson membership at The Spring Lake Golf and Country Club in New Jersey will most likely bring to national attention the golf course's excellence. December 1912 Massachusetts added two 18 hole golf courses in 1912 and expects to add 2 more in 1913 December 1912 The Country Club, Brookline Massachusetts was the only specific applicant for the United States Golf Association Open championship of 1913. It was done so with the proviso that the open should be prior to June 27 to insure the best possible playing conditions. If the championship is awarded to them it will be the 5th time the event has come to Massachusetts, the other 4 being held at the Myopia Hunt Club. It should also be noted that members are facing a 25% dues increase in 1913. December 1912 The only applicant for the Western Open has been the Memphis Country Club. If the date is set for late fall a huge field could be obtained. December 1912 President Deschampes of the Golf de Paris Club has proposed an international golf match involving a team of English, Scotchmen, French and American golfers for late June or early July. This would be the first formal international golf competition and would surely create huge interest in Europe and the United States. |
December 13, 1912 The Franklin Park course in Boston has had total play of 20,167 rounds in 1912, Play would increase greatly if the park department could see its way to make course improvements. It should be noted that play is not permitted in Sundays.
December 1912 Golf Illustrated takes yet another shot at American Golfers
December 1912 "Golf in the United States is the amusement of the well-to-do classes alone, the poor man has no place as yet among American golfers and the sport remains as distinctly exclusive as is polo or yachting." Garden Smith, author, The Royal and Ancient Game of Golf.
December 1912 Golfers in Fargo North Dakota have petitioned the park board to purchase the Resser farm, install a golf course and connect it to the city with a boulevard.
December 31,1912 Mr. George H. Crocker of Brookline won the Ninth Annual Holiday Week Tournament at Pinehurst.
1913 Golfing Events leading up to the 1913 U.S. Open
learn more about golf in 1912, continue your search here......